If you’re reading this article, you may have heard of transcranial magnetic stimulation (or TMS) therapy, which is a noninvasive treatment option for psychiatric disorders like depression or other mental health-related conditions. Though this technology is well-developed and helpful to many, TMS in psychiatry is still relatively new. So where did TMS actually come from?

The History of TMS

The origins of TMS technically date back to Michael Faraday, whom you may have heard about in your science class. He developed the idea of induction, which is essentially producing an electric current through use of magnetics. However, in his time, that had nothing to do with medical treatments of any kind. Other people experimented with using electromagnetic fields to treat symptoms of depression, in an attempt to stimulate nerve cells 

(1). But the first people to actually develop TMS technology were Anthony Barker and his colleagues. Through TMS research, Barker proved that magnetic stimulation was more effective on the human
\"\"Brain as compared to electric stimulation, as it was easier for magnetic fields to bypass the skull.

Originally meant as a research tool, TMS was eventually FDA approved as a medical treatment in the early 2000s, after a study proved that it would make a viable treatment option for mental diseases

(2). Though at first it was not a very refined process, time and research helped it become more streamlined and effective, until it got to where it is today.

Current Uses of TMS

In today’s world, TMS is a beneficial treatment for many mental health diseases and conditions. It works by stimulating brain cells and modulating brain waves — all without putting any physical objects inside your head

(3). Though it is not very well-known, it has been proven to be an effective process for many people with [conditions] such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, and more. Currently, TMS is among the best options available, but the world is always looking to innovate and improve. Going forward, doctors hope to come up with better treatments and refine existing ones.

The Future of TMS

In the future, doctors, scientists, and researchers hope to make TMS more accessible to all. Though it is not a very widespread practice at the moment, people hope to be able to expand their businesses, and help the most people that they can. As TMS is a relatively new technology, not many countries know of or have approved the practice.

If knowledge about TMS becomes more widespread, more people will get the help they need. Everyone should have a chance to heal in the best way possible for them, and for many, that option is TMS. If you are looking to know more about TMS, and whether it can help you, check out this link. Perhaps the future of TMS starts with you.

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