Welcome TriCare/Health Insurance!

Our team of experienced psychiatrists and therapists are dedicated to providing personalized and compassionate care to address your unique needs. We understand the unique challenges that veterans face, and we’re here to help. Our team is trained to work with veterans who have been diagnosed with conditions such as PTSD, depression, and anxiety.We accept TriCare and most major insurance plans and offer flexible scheduling to accommodate your busy lifestyle.Call us today to schedule your first appointment and take the first step towards reclaimingyour life. Thank you for your service and we look forward to serving you.
TMS + TriCare

Exciting news for active military and ex-military personnel! TriCare covers transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)
on an outpatient basis, allowing thousands of veterans, active military personnel, and their families to receive state-of-the-art mental health treatment. TriCare Health Insurance is a plan issued by the United States’ Defense Health Agency (DHA) and offered to military personnel. TriCare has considered TMS to be a proven treatment for major depressive disorder since 2014, and has been providing coverage for TMS therapy since 2016. TriCare West covers TMS as a limited benefit, meaning that prior authorization is required. To expedite this review, providers may submit a Letter of Attestation form for TMS – Karma TMS can help this process by providing a diagnosis, aggregating the medical necessity data, and submitting the patient’s information.
Give us a call to schedule an initial assessment and brain map or click the button below to fill out a contact form: The Karma TMS team gladly serves all active military, military retirees, and their family members. We greatly appreciate your service to our country!